Cold Laser

Jenny uses the Respond 2400XL Cold Laser, a Class 3b laser. It has proven useful in the treatment of:

Inflammation - reduces swelling

Analgesic - Jenny can testify to the pain relief it can offer!

Accelerated tissue and cell growth - tendons and ligaments repair in 65% of the time and are stronger. 

Improved vascular activity - increases the formation of new capillaries in damaged tissue which speeds up the healing process, closes wounds quickly and reduces scar tissue.

Improved nerve function - slow recovery of nerve function in damaged tissue can result in numbness and impaired limbs.  Laser light will speed up the healing process. Jenny has used laser to successfully treat sweeney.

Trigger point and acupuncture points - stimulates these points in a non-invasive way. Jenny has used this with horses who don't tolerate acupuncture needles.

Cold laser is particularly useful as a non-invasive treatment of sore backs and hocks as well as sole bruising and laminitis.

Please press this video link to see just how effective cold laser can be.